Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rome day 7

Today was a Rome Pizza tour where we say the church of the Virgin Mary. Impressive when you consider wood from Jesus' manger is in it.  Then the capitaline museum. ONE MORE DAY.

Rome day 6

Today consisted of the Vatican' St. Peter's basilica where we saw St. Peter's tomb and dead popes in wax. Plus some magnificent art. (Thanks to the Americas for their gold to help build it). Plus a ride in a double decker bus touring the city and dinner at Hard Rock Cafe

Monday, June 2, 2014

Rome trip day five.

Today we saw the catacombs where 500,000 Christians were buried.  We also saw the first paved road in history The Appian Way. Finished the morning with the aqueducts.   In the evening we had a leisurely dinner and made another trip to see the Colosseum.  It really is spectacular!  So glad to be able to share this with Courtney.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Rome day four.

Naples, Mt Vesuvius, Pompeii, rocks from the top = free souviners.

Rome day three

Rome food walking tour and the Protestant cemetery where poet John Keats is buried.

Rome Day two

Today was the colosseum the forum Spanish steps and Mussolini's palace. Of course more food.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day one in rome

Perfect day for a short walk to see the coliseum and trajan's forum. Then the rome at night tour led by Rosanna. Had an incredible dinner some nice people from Australia and saw this beautiful city in lights.